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Galleries: Dogs and Cats
(Enlarged images)

#99 "Anticipation"

#42 "Nobody wants to Play"

#15 "Molly"

#53 "Pretzel"

#41 "Dufan and Seren

#56 "Its a Jungle Out There"

#38 "Buddies"

#86 "Nobody's Home"

#90 "Ready and Willing"

#34 "Little Sue"

#85 "Pillbugs"

#20 "Beowulf and Mohawk"

#70 "New Yorkie, New Yorkie"

##67 "Sisters"

#92 "A Different Point of View"

#71 Unlikely Pair"

#82 "Climbing School"

#74 "On Tap"

#122 "Loki and Shade"

#126 "Marley"
Gallery images are presented as examples of previous works. In most cases, these pieces have been sold and are no longer available. ( * after the title, indicates the original is available.) If there is a particular painting that you are interested in, let me know, as some of these paintings may become available as a print.
All images © 2020 K. Paivinen
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