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Team OCEAN and Bay Net
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Team OCEAN and Bay Net
I have been volunteering with Team OCEAN and Bay Net since 2012. Both groups are programs of the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary. I believe these organizations provide a valuable link between visitors and the natural history of the MBNMS. Every year, people from California, the US and the entire world come to enjoy the Monterey Bay Area. We offer these visitors an opportunity to understand, appreciate, and help protect the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary - Kathy

Top: Southern Sea Otter mom and pup
Bottom: Eared Grebe in breeding plumage

A young visitor to Moss Landing is mesmerized by the close up view of sea otters through the scope. This is one of Bay Net's locations.

Top: Stellar Sea Lion and California Sea Lions
Bottom:Caspian Tern
Click on images to enlarge

Lined Shore Crab in the mud of Elkhorn Slough

Southern Sea Otter keeping his paws warm

Brown Pelican cleared for landing
Bay Net is a group of trained naturalists who engage visitors of the MBNMS along shorelines and other places where wildlife can be viewed. With binoculars and spotting scopes, they share information on local wildlife and help promote the understanding of this remarkable natural treasure. They are also there to help protect the wildlife from human disturbances which can severely impact the animals, especially on pupping beaches and other areas where there are young animals or nesting birds.
Team OCEAN (Ocean Conservation Education Action Network) puts trained naturalists in kayaks on Cannery Row in Monterey and Elkhorn Slough in Moss Landing. Both of these locations are rich in bird life, marine mammals and other wildlife. The Team OCEAN volunteers interact with kayakers and others who use these areas for recreation. They share information on the natural history of these waters, help with identification of wildlife, and share information on safe viewing of the animals. Team OCEAN volunteers strive to prevent human disturbances that negatively affect the health and welfare of the birds and marine mammals. Many of the species that inhabit the sanctuary's waters have been brought back from the brink of extinction. Team OCEAN volunteers help show visitors how to observe and enjoy animals like Southern Sea Otter and Pacific Harbor Seals, as well as many bird species and even whales without causing them harm. Ultimately we hope that as visitors learn about the wildlife, they will also become stewards of the sanctuary and its residents.
If you'd like to learn more about the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary and its programs click here.
To donate to Team OCEAN or BayNet click here.

Team OCEAN volunteers gather to ready the kayaks for the Team OCEAN season.

Kayakers learn about the wildlife on Elkhorn Slough

A kayaker sits quietly as a habor seal approaches him
All images © 2019 K. Paivinen
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